The Puget Sound Partnership is developing an Action Agenda that will guide state, federal, and local efforts to save the Sound by 2020. Development of this Agenda presents an enormous opportunity to effect change on behalf of the water quality and the overall health of Puget Sound.
You can help ensure that the Chapter’s priorities, including
PUBLIC ACCESS, are captured in the Partnership’s final Action Agenda by contacting the Partnership
NOW. The Partnership is expected to release a draft Agenda
this October.
Shoreline accessPublic access to Puget Sound shorelines is limited. Let the Partnership know that you would like to see more money available for acquiring shoreline property and opening it up to the public. Enhancing recreational opportunities along the Sound will connect people to the very resource we need to protect. Public shoreline parks offer education and restoration opportunities that can help get people engaged and committed to doing what’s necessary to save Puget Sound.
Other priority actions to consider including in your comments:
- Restore to health 500 miles of shoreline by 2020.
- Create more shoreline public parks.
- Require and increase incentives for low-impact development to help control stormwater.
- Upgrade sewage treatment plants and infrastructure.
- Station a permanent year round rescue tug at Neah Bay to help prevent oil spills.
- Establish a regional water quality monitoring system that captures environmental impacts as well as program effectiveness.
- Help Elwha Dam Removal and restoration of the nearshore by confirming a realistic timeline for removal and implementing accountability measures that hold partners to this timeline.
TO SEND COMMENTS, you can...
Email to
actionagenda@psp.wa.govMail them to:
Puget Sound Partnership
P.O. Box 40900
Olympia, WA 98504-0900
800.54.SOUND or 360.725.5444
Or submit via this weblink: To learn more about the Puget Sound Partnership, please visit: